Fruits for healthy hair

Fruits for healthy hair

Fruits for healthy hair
Fruits for healthy hair

Fruits for healthy hair: A healthy diet not only nourishes your body and helps you get through the day, it also helps you look your best. Your look - from your position to your teeth, nails, hair and skin - all reflect the quality of your diet. Eating fruits moderately - 1.5 cups a day for women or 2 cups for men, the US Department of Agriculture recommends - a balanced diet takes advantage of your appearance. Some fruits provide a particularly rich source of healthy hair nutrients, until you reach these fruits if you want to grow healthy hair.

Vitamin C-rich fruits

Eating fruits rich in vitamin C helps keep your hair strong. Proteins form the structure of your hair shaft. Some proteins, such as melanin, help maintain the color of your hair, while others, such as collagen, keep your hair resistant to breakage. Vitamin C helps to support healthy collagen production, so foods rich in nutrients help keep your hair in good shape. Since most fruits contain vitamin C, almost any fruit you choose will help you reach vitamin C-75 or 90 milligrams per day for women and men, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. Access to strawberries, oranges and grapefruit as a particularly rich source of vitamin C.

Vitamin A-rich fruits

Beautiful hair starts at the root, and a healthy scalp with well nourished hair follicles keeps your locks looking their best. Vitamin A helps maintain your skin, including the scalp. If you do not get enough vitamin A, you can abnormally develop oily skin and oily skin, and eventually notice thinning hair. Vitamin A requirements vary according to your gender - women need 700 micrograms while men need 900, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements. Look for orange or red fruits as sources of vitamin; tomatoes, melons, melons, grapefruit and mangoes all boost your vitamin A intake.

Fruits rich in vitamin 

Incorporate the rich fruits in your iron into your diet to tap into your hair. Iron promotes healthy blood circulation, promote blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles to help you grow healthy hair. Iron also helps maintain healthy hormone levels, preventing hormonal disorders that cause hair loss, reports the University of Hawaii. Women need 18 milligrams of iron a day, while men need only 8 milligrams, according to the Linus-Pauling Institute. Add raisins, figs, cherries, kiwi fruits and dates to your diet to get more healthy iron hair.

Considerations and tips

Fruit alone does not provide all the nutrients you need for healthy hair, so be sure to eat the fruit in combination with other foods, such as those rich in protein and healthy fats. If you do not get enough protein in your diet, your hair follicles can not access the amino acids needed for strong hair, and you may experience thinning hair loss. Too little fat in your diet also affects your hair. Omega-3 fatty acids deficiency can cause fragile or dry hair. Since fruits contain little or no protein and healthy protein, you should associate fruits with foods rich in these nutrients. For a meal rich in the nutrients your hair needs, use fruit sauce as a spice of grilled salmon. Fruit promotes the intake of vitamin and mineral, while salmon provides protein and much-needed fats.

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